

This conference will be held offline in Sultan Hotel, Jakarta


The activities during the conference including:

  1. Keynote speaker which will be given by our invited speakers
  2. Presenters for oral
  3. Poster presentation
  4. Discussion among participants
  5. All activities will be conducted in the room conference

Oral Presentation

Presenters will display the posters by themselves at a place determined by the committee. Participants may ask questions regarding posters, therefore presenters required to standing next to the poster at the scheduled time.


The activities during the conference including:

  1. Health Policy and Health Care Management
  2. Environmental and occupational Health and safety
  3. Epidemiology of disease, Health Information System and Digital health
  4. Maternal-Child Health Care and nutrition
  5. Mental Health, Health Promotion and Health Education
  6. Emergency and disaster management
  7. Gerontology, family and community care
  8. Palliative care and Chronic disease management
  9. Complementary and alternative medicine
  10. Clinical and Community Pharmacy
  11. Pharmaceutical Sciences
  12. Halal Pharmacy Analysis
  13. Pharmacology
  14. Pharmacognosy and phitochemistry