Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts are invited regarding all aspects of health-related research, in particular the conference sub-themes below :

  1. Health Policy and Health Care Management,
  2. Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
  3. Disease Epidemiology,
  4. Digital Health and Health Information Systems,
  5. Maternal-Child Health Services,
  6. Mental Health and Health Promotion,
  7. Emergency and Disaster Management,
  8. Gerontology, Family and Community Care,
  9. Palliative Care and Chronic Disease Management,
  10. Complementary And Alternative Medicine,
  11. Health Education, Clinical and Community Pharmacy,
  12. Pharmaceutical Sciences,
  13. Halal Pharmaceutical Analysis,
  14. Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

General condition:

  1. Participants who send abstracts are researchers who are members of the research team
  2. The researcher's full name must be written clearly (without title) and accompanied by the institutional address, as well as the participant's email. For email correspondence the author is marked with an asterisk (*) at the end of the name.
  3. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the conference scientific team within 2 weeks.
  4. If participants do not register and make payment by the specified time limit, the abstract will be eliminated.
  5. The time for abstract submission is March 25 - June 25, 2024

Abstract Submission:

  1. Abstract has not been featured in any other publication
  2. Abstract title does not use abbreviations.
  3. Abstract must include:
    1. Background: a brief background that explains the research problem
    2. Purpose: the purpose of the research
    3. Method: Research methods including research design, population and sample, place and analysis used (if any).
    4. Discussion: research results
    5. Recommendation: recommendations / suggestions from the research results
  4. Key words consist of 6 words and are arranged alphabetically
  5. Maximum number of words is 300 words

Oral Presentation:

  1. The presentation file in the form of ppt/pptx/pdf is sent to the committee maximum H-5 of the activity, with the provisions of the file name: oral_first name of the presenter_2 words of title substance. For example: oral_rahma_exclusive breastfeeding.
  2. Files are sent via the following committee email/web: conference.fikes@apps.uinjkt.ac.id
  3. The contents of the presentation file are: title, background, objectives, methods, results, recommendations and bibliography.
  4. The maximum number of presentation slides is 6 pages including the title and closing.
  5. Presentation time is 7 minutes and question and answer 1 minutes.

Poster Presentation:

  1. Place the ICHS emblem on the right and the author's institution emblem on the left of the title.
  2. Place the participant's number below the ICHS crest.
  3. Use single spacing.
  4. Headings should not exceed two lines (approximately 120 characters and/or 20 words).
  5. The author's name is written without title, along with the name of the institution and email address. The email address should be the author's correspondence email (marked*).
  6. The name of the author presenting the poster is underlined.
  7. Abstract consists of a maximum of 300 words.
  8. The recommended poster size is size: 80 cm (width) x 160 cm (height) with vertical orientation.
  9. Font size guidelines: title 96 pt, author name 72 pt, institution (36-48 pt), text minimum 20 pt.
  10. Participants bring their own standing banner to the conference
  11. Poster arrangement: Title, author name, Abstract, Background, Objective, Method, Results, Recommendation, Acknowledgement, References
  12. Participants stand next to their posters at the appointed time to explain the research to audiences


Template of abstract


Writer1), Writer2), and Writer3) [Author Identity: Arial 10pt Bold-Centered, mark * on author correspondence]

1)Institution or universty [author institution: Arial 10pt Italic-Centered]

2)Institution or university

3) Institution or university

e-mail correspondence author [Arial 10pt Italic-Centered]*

ABSTRACT [in English: Arial 10pt Bold]

The background contains an explanation in the form of a paragraph description which contains the reasons why a research was conducted. The abstract consists of a maximum of 300 words, arial 9 ft, italic. Purpose contains the purpose for which the written work was created. A method is a scientific method used in an effort to find or obtain data for a particular purpose or use. Here it is necessary to explain the study design, the number and method of sampling, the variables studied and the data analysis used. Results at this stage explain the research results both descriptively and analytically with sentences. The use of tables and graphs is not permitted. Recommendations contain research conclusions and suggestions to related parties

Keywords: aaaaaa, bbbbbb, ccccc, ddddd [Arial 9pt Italic][maximum 6 words, arranged alphabetically]